AlocasiasUpdated 10 months ago
Alocasias are plants that bring the jungle vibes up to 💯 with ease. Widely known as elephant ears, these tropical beauts have at least 97 different varieties. Some more rare than others, they are highly revered in the plant community as collectibles, while the more common varieties are used to enhance indoor and outdoor spaces all over the world.
Lighting: Place in medium to bright indirect light (by an east or west facing window is deal). Some varieties can tolerate short periods of direct light, but it's better to avoid it. If you notice dark markings or thinning foliage on your plant within the first week, this may indicate it is receiving too much sun.
Watering: When the top 2" of soil feels dry to prevent over and under watering. The soil can stay moist but never soggy, so be sure to use your finger to check before each watering. In the winter, it's better to err on the drier side, allowing the soil to dry out almost completely. Try our Moisture Meter for easy water detection. 😏
Feeding: Use diluted plant food once a month in the spring and summer. Stop feeding in the fall and winter since the plant goes dormant and will not need the extra nutrients. Check out our favorite plant foods here!
Toxicity: The entire plant is toxic when ingested, as it contains calcium oxalate crystals. Keep out of reach of pets and children.
Care instructions are usually consistent for most alocasias, but we always recommend researching your specific plant to make sure you get it right the first time.
Common Issues: Alocasias also tend to be susceptible to spider mites and leaf tip burn. To protect your plants from foliage markings, avoid using fresh tap water in the soil. Instead, allow the water to sit uncovered for at least 24 hours prior to use. For help on spider mites and other pests, we recommend viewing our guide on them here.