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Dracaenas (Bicolor Dragon Tree, Madagascar Dragon Tree, etc.)Updated 10 months ago

Dracaenas, commonly referred to as dragon trees, bring the jungle vibes you deserve to any space. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes, and will grow well in most indoor settings. With at least 124 known species, they are well-known for their low-maintenance care needs. 

Dracaenas grow tufts of foliage on canes, which are woody stalks that grow straight up, or twist and curve as they mature. Because of their twisty, curvy nature and resilience to survive, they were dubbed as dragon trees. They are usually two-tones, but also come in solid shades of green. They're easy to propagate and have air cleansing properties that will keep your air fresh, whether in a mall, the office, or your home.

Lighting: Medium to bright indirect light, depending on the species. 🌞 

Watering: Water thoroughly when soil is nearly dry. Dracaenas are fairly drought-tolerant. Try our Moisture Meter for easy moisture level monitoring. 💧 

Feeding: Use diluted plant food once a month in the spring and summer. Stop feeding in the fall and winter since the plant goes dormant and will not need the extra nutrients. Check out our favorite plant foods here

Toxicity: Toxic when ingested in large amounts. ⚠ 

Care instructions are usually consistent for most dracaenas, but we always recommend researching your specific plant to make sure you get it right the first time. 

Common Issues: Dracaenas are definitely on the easier side of the spectrum when it comes to houseplants, but there are some common to look out for. Noticing lower leaves dropping? Don't freak out. This is totally natural for this species. Think of it this way: if dragons were real, they'd shed, right? Well, your dracaena is doing just that. Shedding old growth to save energy for new, fresh foliage. Only worry if leaves are dropping at a very rapid pace, or if they are dropping from all over the plant. If you see discoloration on the lower leaves, you can give the plant a hand by removing them with shears, or by gently tugging them off.

Something else to look out for with dracaenas are dry leaf tips and edges. This is most commonly due to inconsistent watering, but can also be because of the type of water you use. Be sure to avoid fresh tap water, instead, allowing it to sit uncovered for at least 24 hours prior to use. This should help you avoid leaf burns. If you're using safe water and still experience brown edges, it's probably a good idea to use a moisture meter to ensure you are saturating the soil properly when the plant is ready for a drink. 🚰 

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